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သတင္းစံုေပ်ာ္၀င္အိုးၾကီးတြင္ ေဖာ္ျပထားသည့္ သတင္း၊ဓာတ္ပံုမ်ားသည္ သက္ဆိုင္သူမ်ား၏မူပိုင္သာျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း အသိေပးအပ္ပါသည္။

Sunday, September 20, 2015

International Slangs (ႏိုင္ငံတကာအတိုသံုးဗန္းစာလံုးမ်ား)

143 >> I Love You
1daful >> Wonderful
2 >> Too
2L8 >> Too late
2EZ >> Too Easy
53X >> Sex
555 >> Hahaha
900913 >> Google
10Q >> Thank You
10X >> Thanks
?up >> What`s up?
< 3 >> Love

AFC >> Away From Computer
a/s/l >> Age/Sex/Location
Abt >> About
ASAP >> As Soon As Possible

Bae >> Babe, Baby or Significant other
BTW >> By The Way
Burma >> Be Undressed Ready My Angle
BZ >> Busy

C'mon >> Come On
Cing >> Seeing
CML >> Call me later
CMT >> Comment
Coz >> Because
CPY >> Copy
CTRL >> Control
CUL >> See you later
Cya >> See you (Goodbye)

D8 >> Date
Da >> The
DM >> Direct Message
DMAF >> Do me a favor
DND >> Do Not Disturb

e.g >> Example
EMM >> E.mail me
Epic >> Very impressive
Ezi >> Easy

F8 >> Fate
F9 >> Fine
FAM >> Family
FAQ >> Frequently Asked Questions
FB >> Facebook

Getcha >> Get you
GJ >> Good Job
GL >> Good Luck
GM >> Good Morning
GN >> Good Night
Gona >> Gonna >> Going to
Gotta >> Go to
G&8 >> Great

H8 >> Hate
Hak >> Here's a kiss
HD >> High-Definition
Homey >> Friend
Hubby >> Husband
Hun >> Honey
Hv >> Have
HRU >> How are you?

I<3U >> I Love You
IC >> I see
IDK >> I don't know
Info >> Information

J4U >> Just for you
Jas >> Just a second
Jus >> Just

K >> Ok >> Okay

Lil >> Little
LMFAO >> Laughing My F**king Ass Off
LMK >> Let me know
Lol, Lolz >> Laugh Out Loud or Laughing Out Loud
LTNS >> Long time no see

M >> am
M2 >> Me too
M8 >> Mate
M9 >> Mine
MeMe >> An idea, style or action which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person.
Msg >> Message
Mwa >> Mwah >> An air kiss

NE >> Any
NOOB >> Newbie >> Newb >> Nub >> Someone who is new to a particular group, activity, game, field of study, etc.
Nope >> No
NP >> No problem
Nth >> Nthn >> Nothing
NVM >> Never mind

OF10 >> Often
OMG >> Oh My God
OP >> Original Poster
OS >> Operating System
Oways >> Oh wow are you serious?
Outa >> Outta >> Out of

P/W >> PWD >> Password
PFA >> Please find attached
Pic >> Picture
Pls >> Plz >> Please

QT >> Cutie
QNA >> Question and answer

R&B >> Rhythm and Blues
RIP >> Rest In Peace
RSVP >> Re'pondez S'il Vous Plai^t,meaning Pls Reply

S2G >> Swear To God
Shawty >> Girlfriend or attractive female
SNAFU >> Situation normal, all f**ked up
SML >> So Much Love
SMS >> Short Message Service
SRSLY >> Seriously
Syns >> Sychronize

TB >> Text Back
TGIF >> Thank God It's Friday
TMI >> Too much information
TTYL >> Talk to you later

U/N >> Username
UR >> Your
USD >> United States Dollar
URL >> Uniform Resource Locator, also known as web address

VIP >> Very Important Person
Vry >> Very
Vzit >> Visit

WB >> Welcome Back
WBU >> What about you?
W/E >> Whatever
WTF >> What the f**k
WTH >> What the hell
WYM >> What you mean?
WYWH >> Wish you were here

X, XX >> Kisses
XD >> Extreme droll
XL >> Extra large
XO, XOXO >> Hugs and Kisses

Y >> Why?
( Y ) >> Thumbs up
(.Y.) >> Breasts
Yep >> Yes
YGM >> You get me?
YOLO >> You only live one
YW >> You're welcome

Zig. >> Cigarette
Zup >> What`s up?
credit:Phyann Wai Soe

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